Adult Stem Cell Banking / Bio-insurance
Why Bank?
As we age, our body’s natural stem cell reserves gradually decline, and healing processes slow down. Younger bodies have more abundant stem cells, which may contribute to faster recovery from injuries. Over time, cells lose protective DNA caps (telomeres), which can lead to age-related conditions like osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disease.
While newborn stem cell banking may soon become more accessible, adults today can bank their own stem cells for potential future health support. High-quality mesenchymal stem cells can be harvested from adipose (fat) tissue, offering a valuable resource as regenerative medicine continues to advance.
What is Adult Stem Cell Banking?
Adult stem cells can be cryogenically stored indefinitely at -190°C in liquid nitrogen, allowing for potential future use. In a specialized lab, these cells can be multiplied (culture expanded) and frozen, creating a valuable reserve for possible treatments.
Adult stem cells are sourced from accessible tissues, such as adipose tissue. Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells do not carry ethical concerns and have not been shown to form tumors, making them a safer option.
These pluripotent cells can differentiate into various cell types, offering a versatile option for regenerative applications as research advances.